Functional Darija

Functional Darija Learn the basics of Darija in a few hours


  • Learn to communicate easily
  • Master the language by integrating courses
  • Improve your language skills through ongoing practice.
 Functional Darija
36,00 EUR/Mois
Informations générales
  • Durée totale 39 Heures - 6h par Mois

Conditions préalables
  • Avoir une connexion Internet stable

  • Avoir un ordinateur ou une tablette

Learn to speak DARIJA 
the learner is necessarily influenced by the culture of the country where he evolves, however he does not give up the desire to discover his culture of origin and that of his parents. However, this culture was first written, rich in a literary and religious heritage supported by canonized texts. But it is also oral.
Dialectal, functional Arabic is the practical synthesis of this heritage. The aim is to develop both linguistic and socio-cultural skills in the young learner.
The organization of the courses is in line with the objectives, The pedagogy takes into consideration the immediate needs and the learning capacities of the target audience. The content of the course is adapted to the public and the size of the groups, voluntarily reduced.